Constitution of the North Dakota Archaeological Association
(Revised 2023)
Article I. Name
The name of the Association shall be the NORTH DAKOTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION.
Article II. Objectives
Objectives of the Association are:
To organize people interested in archaeology;
To foster the study and teaching of archaeology;
To promote the scientific investigation, preservation, and publication of archaeological information;
To enlist the aid of all citizens in reporting, preserving, and recording any archaeological sites.
Article III. Organization
Elected offices of the Association shall be as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
There also shall be a Journal Series Editor appointed by the Executive Committee.
The term of office of elected members of the Executive Committee shall be two calendar years from the date of election. The term of office of the Journal Series Editor shall be established by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee is empowered to administer the affairs of the Association.
The President may appoint any number of committee chairman required to carry out his responsibilities.
A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of at least three of the four members.
The Executive Committee shall have at least one meeting a year at the call of the President or Vice-President and at such other times as the President or Vice-President may determine.
The Executive Committee is responsible to the membership for the administration of the affairs of the Association and for the formulation of the policies of the Association. A meeting may be called at any times by a quorum of the Executive Committee.
All funds raised by, or received on behalf of the Association shall be used solely for the promotion of the objectives of the Association.
Custody of the funds, library, and other properties of the Association is vested in the Executive Committee.
Article IV. Membership
There shall be several types of membership in the Association, namely:
Individual adult
Members in good standing are entitle to vote and hold office in the Association. A member in good standing shall be one who has paid the prescribed dues for the current year. Family membership allows the registering of two votes for the family holding this type of membership. Institutional members are not entitled to vote or hold office. Membership dues shall be reviewed and determined periodically by the Executive Committee.
Article V. Presiding Officer
The President, or in absence of the President, Vice-President, or in absence of the Vice-President, a chairman protem, shall preside at all meetings of the Association.
Article VI. Meetings of the Association
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Association in each year for transaction of general business, including the election of officers of the Association.
Article VII. Vacancies
If a vacancy shall occur in any office of the Association, it shall be filled by election at the next regular meeting of the Executive Committee and the person so elected shall hold office for the unexpired term of the member vacating that office.
Article VIII. Audit
Financial records of the Association shall be audited at the Annual Meeting by an independent committee of two persons selected from the membership before the meeting., and results of the audit shall be reported at the Annual Meeting.
The financial year of the Association is the period of twelve months beginning the first day of January and ending the last day of December the same year.
Article IX. Amendment
This constitution may be altered or amended at the Annual Meeting of the Association, or at the General Meeting, if written notice of the amendment is given at least one month prior to the meeting to all voting members. A quorum for this purpose shall be a simple majority of the members. Such amendments must be ratified by a majority of members present at the meeting.
Article X. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Association, all remaining financial assets will be distributed to one or more charitable or non-profit organizations to the determined by the Executive Committee.
Article XI. Duties of the Officers and Journal Series Editor
PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to that office.
VICE-PRESIDENT: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside over meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and shall perform such other duties as pertain to that office.
SECRETARY-TREASURER: It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to record attendance at meetings and to conduct such correspondence as required. It shall also be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to have custody of all funds, to account for the same at the Annual Meeting or as such other time as may be required by the Executive Committee. Upon retirement, the Secretary-Treasurer shall turn over to the succeeding officer or to the President, all funds, books of account, or other Association property.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR: It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Editor to compile information relevant to the objectives of the Association and interests of the membership, and to publish such information in two issues of the newsletter per year, with the option of additional special editions.
JOURNAL SERIES EDITOR: It shall be the duty of the Journal Series Editor to solicit and consider manuscripts for the Journal of the Association. The Journal Series Editor also shall be responsible for the format and general content of the Journal and oversee its production and distribution.