Memberships are per calendar year (all memberships expire on December 31st).
There are two membership options:
Individual - $20 (USD)
Institutional - $40 (USD)
Membership Benefits:
-Bi-Annual Newsletter*
-subscription to North Dakota Archaeology (occasional journal)
-complete hard copy set of journal volumes 2 through 8**
-access to the NDAA library (500+ titles)
-emails and invites to NDAA field trips and events
*Please note the newsletters will be sent by e-mail to Individual Membership holders unless specifically requested.
**Does not include shipping or Journal Volume 1 (out of print); Please request copies via email
To join by mail, please print and complete the membership form below. Check or cash payments are currently accepted. Checks can be written to the NDAA. Mail the form along with your check or cash payment to:
North Dakota Archaeological Association (NDAA)
Note: NDAA Membership on check
P.O. Box 179
Bismarck, ND 58502